Logo Ristorante Aroma

Menù di San Valentino

Celebrate l'amore con un menù pensato dai nostri chef per rendere la vostra serata di San Valentino indimenticabile, dove ogni piatto racconta una storia di passione e dolcezza. Scopri il menù
Logo Ristorante Aroma Brescia


The Aroma restaurant is the challenge of a group of young people who want to get involved to offer you a quality gastronomic experience.

Logo Ristorante Aroma Brescia
via triste 56/b - 25121 brescia
Contact us
Pesce - Ristorante Aroma Brescia

Our mission is to balance the carefully
selected and cooked ingredients, in order
to preserve their quality and to convey
our passion for cooking.

Our goal is to make you feel at home
in welcoming enviroments,
pamparing you with delicious dishes and
new flavors combined with
those of the Brescian tradition.

Dolci - Ristorante Aroma Brescia

For us eat means to live an experience.

Ristorante Aroma Brescia

Taste selected wines throughout Italy
and other Countries, to let you discover
the incredible wealth that our Country can offer.

To give you all this we ask you
some of your time: we'll show you
how pleasant it is to be spoiled at the table.

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